Saturday, September 03, 2005

over 1,000 and counting!

amazing that i would get that many hits in the short life of this blog. thanks. keep the comments coming.

i am back in l.a. after a week in va. thanks for the prayers, but i could use some gas for my car, too. i noticed that my good friend in texas who is married to my cousin is now part of this great thing known as the blog-nation. please visit his site, and tell him how much you like it, even though he went to that liberal church of Christ college in searcy, ar.

he's a great guy and i would sit at his feet, while we lived in texas, and be in awe at how he could teach by just being real and asking how does this verse apply to us today, and he would even tell us what he thought, too.

he is a thespian, a singer, a father, a husband, a brother, a son, a cousin, etc. ..... but most of all he is my friend. go see his

1 comment:

alabamapenguin said...

wow!! over 1,000 and counting. I should be 2,000 then on my blog. well, I don't know, you can chack for me. school starts back tuesday and my marine biology test will be wensday which is weird. It should be tuesday so she could see if we studyed while in hurricane watch. well I gotta go.
