Sunday, September 11, 2005

an e-mail

y'all are probably getting tired of me changing my blog template aren't you? well, like i said a couple of weeks ago, i like change. with the way things go in my life i will probably change it again in a couple of weeks. well, anyway, i got this e-mail and i was wondering what you thought of it. please read it and share with my other 2 readers what you thought of it. i will share my thoughts after you and 1 of the other 2 readers post their comments.


Edward Fudge

Sep 11, 2005

Someone recently wrote me an email arguing that only those who belong to his particular denomination are any part of the body of Christ and the universal church of God. How should we respond to such claims, which are made across the "Christian" spectrum?

* * *

For more than a millennium now, different people have equated the true church of Christ with some particular group found in the Yellow Pages (an anachronism, I know, but you get the point). All such attempts will ultimately fail because they are trying to shrink Christ's spiritual body, God's true church, to a tiny segment of the whole -- a segment which, regardless of its identity, sprang into existence far too late to claim such a lofty distinction. The true church of Christ includes every saved person who knows Jesus since Pentecost, and it is far bigger than any Christian denomination or nondenomination regardless of its name, claim or fame. To suppose otherwise is to fall, however unintentionally, into sectarianism and possibly into heresy as well in the biblical sense.

The world is full of would-be "true churches," each of which has preserved or restored some part of the apostolic message, church detail or personal experience, and all making exclusive claims. Each such group probably is correct in some of its specific doctrines or practices, though such groups usually are not nearly as unique or distinct in those matters as they themselves imagine. And they all are wrong in their exclusive claims.

The time has come to stop playing the "Guess the Right Religious Organization and Win a Trip to Heaven" game. Instead, as repentant sinners who have nothing that God needs and nothing of which we dare to boast, let us put all our trust in the sinless Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Let us entrust ourselves to Jesus Christ -- to learn from him, to follow him and to become like him. When we do that, we can stop quibbling about the name over the church house door. And we then can say with confidence that we are part of the church of which Jesus Christ is the head and the Savior.


© 2005 by Edward Fudge. Unlimited permission to copy without altering text or profiteering is hereby granted subject to inclusion of this copyright notice. For encouragement and spiritual food any time, visit our multimedia website at .

if you got this far, thanks. please leave a comment.


Tommy said...

I receive the same email. Some of his writings go in the deleted pile and some get saved in archives. He makes me think most of the time.

This is a subject that I can debate myself on. I can talk myself into seeing it both ways. Here's the way I hope it is and like to think it is.

Let's take the Christian Church for example. By the Christian Church I mean the ones that are basically like COC except they use instrumental music. If music is wrong (and I'm not sure I think it is) will God overlook that and forgive them if they truly are trying to follow Jesus. My answer to this is, I hope so. I can't expect him to forgive me for all my shortcomings, all my things I do wrong, and things I do wrong because I don't understand fully, and then not expect him to forgive them. Why would he forgive me and not them?

I believe that there will be Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc in Heaven. The old saying says many paths lead to the same place. Well in this example we are all using the same path and that is Jesus Christ. We may walk on that path a little different.

Just my thoughts. I could leave a whole seperate comment on arguing the other way, but I would be making God too small.

k2 said...


thanks for your comment. you and i have the same take on this issue. when i lived in texas we attended a church that was blacklisted back where my parents attend. when we were moving to texas after i was stationed in japan, the preacher gave a list of churches that we should not attend.

we were not supposed to attend them because they either were started because of a split, or they drank from a common cup, or you name it. in other words, they did not "do" church like they did, so they were blacklisted.

we visted park row and they were not the snake handlers that they were made out to be. they were very welcome. they taught me that i was a sinner, and i always will be, no matter how old i get, or what i do. they also taught me that they were the same way.

i also learned a saying that really made me change my thinking, and not be so "holier than thou", and that was this, "we are only christians, and not the only christians."

i to could go on, and on about this, but i won't. i also feel the same about ed and his theology. he makes you think, and rethink your positions on things.

thanks for your comment today, and the ones you have left in the past.

Tommy said...

Been thinking about it more since I commented. So what if I'm wrong, what if there is a set of rules and a certain way things must be done in order to have eternity. First thought is: if this is so then why did Jesus come, why not just keep the old law. It had do's and don'ts with certain punishments for certain things.
2nd: If it is a set of rules and certain things to do then who decides what those are. Because if we take the whole new testament and write the rules, then no one can get to heaven. There is not anyone (except Jesus) who can abstain from every wrong thing in the NT.
So leads me back to if he can forgive me, why can't he forgive a baptist, methodist, etc. The important thing is following Jesus and striving to let him take control of your life and doing it with all your heart.

k2 said...

The important thing is following Jesus and striving to let him take control of your life and doing it with all your heart.

this says so much, and think that you have got something going there.

my beef is this, why did peter say what he said if it were not what Jesus was about? i mean, if peter said what he said as it is recorded in the 2nd chapter of acts then i think that is what we need to do. i also don't think that you have to be a member of the church of Christ to make it to heaven.

that whole last paragraph you wrote tommy is awesome. thanks for sharing.