Sunday, September 04, 2005

forrest gump

who has not seen this movie? i just got finished watching it with my fam, and the one line that is sticking in my mind could've come from the bible. of course it would be a paraphrase. here it is, if you can't think of it:

forrest says to jennie at jennie's grave, "if you need anything i won't be far away."

that just broke me up! oh well, i can't make it through that movie without having my eyes leak.

what are some of your favorite lines from movies?


alabamapenguin said...

"Momma says life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gunna get." That would be my favorite or the way he says Jenny(Jen-ne). Well, I gotta go.


Tommy said...

"I got to pee" or "I got shot in my buttocks". I really like the way he pronounces these sentences.

k2 said...

yeah tommy those are some of my faves too. i sometimes say that i feel like forrest after he has had his 15 dr peppers, instead of saying i have to go to the bathroom.

forrest gump is one of my favorite movies next to the princess bride.
remember this, "inconceivable!" "you keep saying that word. i don't think you know what that word means!" or "why are you smiling?" "i know something you don't. i am not left handed, either!"

Soren said...

"When you go to the zoo and see the signs that say, 'Don't Feed the Animals', remember that it wasn't the animals that put up those signs."