Thursday, September 22, 2005

while watching fox news

i'm sitting here watching the news about hurricane rita, and checking my office e-mail. then i see a commercial paid for by
gold star families for peace. it says that the president is lying to the country. have you seen the commercials? it also has widows holding babies asking what they should tell their child.

tell them the truth. your husband was following orders to protect not just our freedoms, but the freedoms of those in iraq, afghanistan, and the surrounding areas.
this sort of thing makes me think back to people asking why do all of our national guardsmen, and reservists have to go to the middle east.

does anybody remember that a president thought it was a good idea to downsize the military? if the military would not have been downsized, then the national guardsmen, and reservists would not have to go where the active duty military would already be.

this also makes me think of the thought process of the people who signed their contracts to serve their country, and follow the orders of the officers appointed over them. boy, i could go on and on about this.

i just wish that people would understand that the military is there for a reason, and death is a possibility. the military is not a desk job.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I don't mean to sound harsh by this but I'll give you an example. First let me say that I am sorry anyone has to go over there and fight.

I have a friend who is approximately 55 years old. He is in the Army Reserve. He has been in for many, many years. He has drawn a paycheck every month for a long time. He has told me many times that he didn't have to do much to earn this paycheck. Now he does. I am sorry he has to go, but I don't feel sorry for him. He knew this day could eventually come and shouldn't have signed up 30 years ago if he wasn't prepared for it.

Again, I don't mean to sound harsh. I wish none had to go