Thursday, August 31, 2006

we got him!

great news!

joey and callie have accepted the offer that the shepherds gave them! joey will be the new youth minister here at port city! that is so cool!

can you tell i am excited? he is from new orleans, and callie is austin. another good one from texas!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

we finished

jerre and i finished our class on tony evans' book 'free at last' this past week. i was tired, and i wish jerre actually did the last class, but his time has been taken by a more important job; supporting his wife during the health problems of her parents. i love jerre and his huge heart! jerre is one of the reasons that i am still at port city. he is such a supportive man! he has a way in his classes that makes you feel that you are the only reason for him to be there, and he is there to tell what he learned this past week and he wants to talk to you about it.

port city is an awesome church, but there are things, IMO, that could be done differently. the truth about God and His Son are always proclaimed there, and their need and importance are taught there. i think, IMO, that the congregation could be more ... i don't know ... enthusiastic?.?. (that's not really what i mean, but i can't think of a better adjective) i wish that our prayer for the Holy Spirit to just engulf and penetrate our lives and our worship has not been realized and we have not allowed Him to work in our lives totally. ya' know?

we are in a transitional period right now. we are interviewing and having prospective youth minister candidates come and try out for the spot on our team, since the departure of chris, when he left to take the pulpit of a church in hotlanta. this past weekend we had joey and callie come and see us.

the weekend started off with a dinner on friday night at a member of the search committee's house. we met joey and callie face to face after hearing about them through correspondence.

then they attended a get-together with the youth group and some parents at the house of another member of the search committee on saturday. their house is on the water, and there was skiing, swimming, and laughing and an all around good time. however, i was sweating some pounds off while running around and reffing five soccer matches in pace, fl.

after the those festivities, joey taught the teen class on sunday morning, of which i did not hear one bad comment. our teen class is usually between 6 and 20. nothing firm on any given sunday, mind you. however, this sunday there were 26! it was SRO in that room. i'm glad the fire marshal was not around!

then the whole congregation got to hear him preach. his sermon was very interesting. he talked about the comparison of superman to the original Superhero, Jesus. that was cool! i will share more about the sermon if you want. just ask about it in the comments. it was so good that, no offense is intended here, even some of the grey hairs said, "don't let him get away. we need to hire him. that was good!" i have been to places where the older members just do not care for the younger generation's views of culture and our walk.

then we happened to visit the same life group in the evening that he was visiting. i bet he thought we were following him. we visited the life group because our group was not meeting since the leaders were the ones who hosted the teens the day before. it was a great time sharing and learning.

well, that was the weekend. i will post later about the fun in pace and reffing.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


i have seen and read of people being tagged out here in blognation, but let's go this way. i am going to create an interactive questionaire. listed below are questions to find out what or who is your favorite "?". answer the questions in the comments section please.

who or what is your favorite ...

... color?

... ice cream flavor, and topping?

... sport?

... bible verse? why (if you want to share)?

... season?

... day of the year?

... bible character?

... celebrity?

... vacation spot you have been to, or would like to go to?

... car?

... genre of music? ... group?

... childhood friend?

... childhood toy/game?

... mac or pc?

... website?

... soda?

this is just a few to get the ball rolling. please don't feel like you have to share family secrets, or personal info. thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


i have been tagged by my good friend JD. i'm kinda glad he did, because i haven't updated my blog in awhile. this is a great excuse to do so:

1. One book that changed your life:
romans, paul

2. One book that you've read more than once:
the firm, john grisham

3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
a very, very thick one for more than one reason.
the hunt for red october, tom clancy

4. One book that made you laugh:
velvet elvis, rob bell

5. One book that made you cry:
i don't think that i have cried during a read. i may be wrong, but i can't remember.

6. One book you wish had been written:
things you wish you knew when you were a teen, A. Smart Alick

7. One book you wish had never been written:
the great gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

8. One book you're currently reading:
narnia, C. S. Lewis

9. One book you've been meaning to read:
Seeking a Lasting City: The Church's Journey in the Story of God, Doug Foster, Randy Harris, and Mark Love

10. Tag five others:
chris lockhart
greg foster
danny sims
brandon scott thomas

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

i'm a ussf referee!

to the right you will see the patch of a united states soccer federation referee. mine looks like it, but the only difference is that the year is on the bottom of the patch to signify the year of which my qualification expires. that year will be 2007.

i am very excited about getting to referee the soccer games here in the united states. i am qualified to ref in any state that the ussf refs in. i don't know of any that don't have refs, but i am only qualified to ref in the united states. make sense? weird, huh?

the class was two days long and very intense. there is more to reffing than just making a call and getting yelled at. you know refs always make a bad call, at least in the eye of the team the call is made against.

well, before i get to do the center ref job i will be doing the lines as an assistant referee for quite awhile until i get some experience under my belt, and wouldn't you know it. the week that i would get to start, i have to go out of town for a week on business! that bums! oh well! there will be games when i get back, but the other new refs will have a few games on me, but i will be there when i can.

Friday, August 04, 2006

guess what movies these lines are from

what are the movies these lines are from:

1. "we'll take the lot."

2. "hello! my name is inigo montoya! you kill' my father! prepare to die!"

3. "yee-haw! jester's dead!"

4. "good sabbath, mottel."

5. "you know how to dance?" "i should. i took a lesson every day of my life until 2 days ago."(?)(maybe a paraphrased line, sorry. but a good movie.)

this is a good start. add some of your own memorable lines.