Wednesday, March 14, 2007

microphysists might like this one

ok, who can tell me what this is? and who can tell me what it is a shape of? can you guess what it reminds me of?

alright i'll tell you. it is a diagram of a laminin molecule. now you're probably asking the question, "what is laminin?" well, from what i learned tonight at the chris tomlin concert, it is a protein molecule that is used to keep molecules stuck together. its the glue in our bodies.

the shape reminds me of a cross. the diagram also reminds me of the trinity. notice how it is made up of three things ... kinda like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

this is a rather simple thing, but look at this passage about Jesus:

He existed before everything else began, and he holds all creation together.
Col 1:17
isn't that neat? i know simple things for simple minds. i really thought it was awesome to sing with thousands of other like minded people. chris is so talented ... its ... indescribable.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

a smack upside the head

i was reading a devo that i get e-mailed to me by max lucado. in this devo it talks about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. i was getting the gist of the whole thing and then ... then max asked two questions and they smacked me upside the head. basically saying, "are you doing this?" here's what he said:

Do we object because we don’t want to see God washing feet?

Or do we object because we don’t want to do the same?

do any of these questions apply to you? what got my attention is that i'm not sure that the second one doesn't apply to me. i mean we're supposed to use Jesus as our Example. we hear that said all the time, but do we have a problem with all that He did? even to those that hate us, and want to kill us?