Tuesday, January 24, 2006

urban legends

what are some of your favorite urban legends? what are some of the worst urban legends that you know of?

there are plenty of sites that are dedicated to squashing urban legends. we've all heard of snopes, truthorfiction.com, and others. i use truthorfiction as my preferred urban legend reference site. do you use these sites, or do you just forward the ole buggers when you get them in your e-mail inbox?

just for the record, i hate getting them in my e-mail. so please don't send me any. like getting your kidneys stolen, and all that. just keep those poor stories to yourself.

i remember getting a cool one from jd in the past. it was very funny. jd, if you are reading this could tell us about the bandit rodents, or whatever that one was about?


Donna G said...

I'm with urban legends kind of like jokes...I can't remember them.

But I do like to watch Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel!

Tommy said...

I never forward urban legend stories and I rarely check snopes, etc. I don't have to, because 10 minutes after I get the urban legend email, someone else will check it out and hit "reply all" and tell us it is false.

k2 said...

tommy, you must be one of the lucky ones. it always seems that my parents hear that they have won the british lottery, or that mr. gates has a computer for them, etc. and i go to one of those sites and reply to all from their e-mail. consider yourself fortunate.