Monday, January 30, 2006

blogger's block

i'm using a term that i read about on another blog. this term "blogger's block" is a condition i have been suffering from for about a week now.

blogger's block (blog-erz blok) n. A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue an entry in your blog.
i have wanted to write something funny, constructive, or meaningful. however, eventhough i want to write something that is of worth, it just isn't coming. i guess that is what i have to get used to. it has been my lot in life. for most of my life i have not really had much to share.

growing up as an outsider has caused me to be an observer, or someone on the outside listening, or looking in. i was never one of the ones in school that people were drawn to, unless they wanted an easy fight. i was one that had to work to make friends, and it was really hard to find a girlfriend. i only remember having one girlfriend in highschool. i met her at the pool one summer, and she had just moved to the base with her family. she didn't have many friends, and i was amazed that she liked me. she was a pretty girl, and she liked me. go figure. it didn't last long though. she found a better looking guy.

well enough self pity. sorry i can't think of anything cool to write about. i have even hit a low on my reading. i have gotten to the point in narnia where digory, and polly are witnessing the creation of narnia in the magician's nephew. i need to get with it.

i hope things are going well with you. thanks for visiting. how do you like my newlook? i hope it allows you to comment. last time i changed templates people were not able to leave comments. this time i was able to leave a test comment after i installed this version. thanks again for stopping by.


Tommy said...

Comments are enabled. When I started my blog someone told me, "It's not about quality, but quantity". He said "lurkers" would keep coming back if there was new material to see. I sometimes can't get the quantity or the quality down.

I do like the new look. I'm too scared to change mine.

Travis said...

Nice look.

I have had many a day when I wanted to post something, but had no idea what I would post. Mostly, on those days, I would just post nothing, do a "I don't have anything to say" post (like you have beautifully done here), or send up a simple link to someone who does have something to say.

I keep convincing myself that there are masses of people who's days would be ruined if they checked my blog and saw no new content. I know it is not true, but it is this fantasy, or is it a delusion, that keeps me trying and trying to come up with something to say.

I notice you now live in Daphene, AL. I grew up in Niceville, FL, also affectionally known as L.A. and my wife grew up in Tuscaloosa, AL. I've enjoyed reading your blog and hearing about how things are going in my corner of the country.

Donna G said...

You are getting to the good part in The Magician's Nephew.

I like the look. Do like me, just post cheezy "quotes" when you don't have anything to satifies the masses. Like Travis says, you hate to ruin someone's day by not posting!!!