Saturday, January 14, 2006

all about movies

here is another questionaire type blog post that i wanted to populate around the blog universe. i thought it was cool and i wanted to share it. please leave your answers in the form of comments to this post. i am copying it from danny's blog. (my answers are in the parens)

Action or drama? (action.)

Chick flicks: Yes or no? (if the wife is with me.)

Does violence bother you? (not really.)

Does bad language bother you? (sad to say i have rationalized to by saying that it is out there in the world anyway. is still don't like it.)

Do you go to a movie with sex in it? (i don't go to see it, but some have it in them.)

Comedy or sad story? (COMEDY!)

Favorite genre? (sports; titans, field of dreams, 8 men out, miracle, etc., etc.)

Suspense or horror? (suspense. i don't watch horror films anymore.)

Matinee or late show? (matinee, of course. $3.50 or $6.00 ... uuummmm ... go figure.)


Donna G said...

Action or drama? (action.)

Chick flicks: Yes or no? Yes- but then I am a chick

Does violence bother you? Yes- especially if it is graphic

Does bad language bother you? Yes if it is continuous...the occasional bad

Do you go to a movie with sex in it? Sure, although here too I prefer it not to be graphic

Comedy or sad story? (COMEDY!)

Favorite genre? Action mystery types...Mission Impossible, Bourne Idenity, Lethal Weapon but I also love good comedies,

Suspense or horror? Suspense. I could NEVER watch horror films

Matinee or late show? What wage earning adult would not say matinee!!

k2 said...

donna, i saw what a beautiful smile you have. i saw it up on the screens at church this morning. jd was there to tell us about life after katrina. that lady was so excited to have that coat you brought.