Friday, January 20, 2006

a poll, sort of

how many of you know who rob bell is?

how many of you have heard a sermon by rob bell?

how many of you have seen one of rob bell's videos?

how many of you have read rob bell's book?

that's a lot of questions i know, but i was just wondering. now for one last question, what is your opinion of rob bell?

i'll post my answers later if that is ok. i don't want to affect anyone's answers. see, if i see someone's answers to a poll like this my subconscience kicks in, and sometimes sides with those answers already written down. isn't that weird?


k2 said...

how many of you know who rob bell is? rob is a preacher man.

how many of you have heard a sermon by rob bell? i have. they are online, too.

how many of you have seen one of rob bell's videos? i have. they are cool and good for working with teens.

how many of you have read rob bell's book? i have, sorta. i have started it, but i have not finished it. it is the study book that we are using in a study group that chris lockhart and i are in, but i haven't read ahead, because we were taking a break during the holdays. i need to call him.

what is your opinion of rob bell? i think he is relavent to what a lot of americans are looking for. (ie. me) he talks of things that are going on right now, and how they relate to today. all in all i think he is a good guy. i listen to his sermons that i have downloaded while i am on the road with my job, and my favorite one is his sermon on community. that one is cool.

David said...

I saw a video of Rob Bell about a month ago. Very powerful. It was the "Bullhorn Guy" video. Loved it. I currently work with a relatively large youth group in Conroe, TX but will be moving to Austin in March. I have been offered a position as a youth pastor at a new church there. You can bet I will be plagarizing a bit of Rob Bell's stuff. He is good.

JD said...

Rob Bell ... a person with bleached hair and nerdy black glasses. I don't know anything else about him.

I have seen most of his videos.

I have not read Rob's book, except the first chapter that I read yesterday.

I think he is a prolific communicator of the gospel-changed life.

John said...

Who doesn't know who Rob Bell is?

I've listened to many of his teachings. They're so good.

I've seen a few NOOMA's.

I read his book a few weeks ago. Great book.

There are some people that would be fun to meet; some people that would be interesting to hang out with; some people that would be interesting to be good friends with. Rob Bell is the first person that I have actually wanted to BE.