Wednesday, November 23, 2005

its been awhile

some may be wondering what has happened to me. well, let me first say thanks to all that have been visiting, and commenting. some of the comments have been very gracious, and i thank you.

last week was a long week. my family, my parents, and grandmother, wanted to have thanksgiving last weekend so that it would not conflict with other families and their time together for the holiday time. we went up on friday night, after my daughter had her varsity soccer tryouts. all week she had been practicing and trying out for the varsity team, and it was all worth it. she made the cut and is a varsity player and she is only a sophmore! i think that is awesome. i wasn't varsity until i was a junior when i was in high school.

well, we got to my parents place around 10:30 pm or so, and then saturday we hung out with family and then found out that my brother was going to be in from his route around 6:00 pm, and we were planning to not leave any later than 5:00 pm. my brother is a truck driver and he was out on a run, and was not planning on being around for the weekend, but he drove hard and long to see us. that was cool. however, we had to leave after less than 30 minutes of time together. it was good to see him.

we made it back home to our house late saturday night, an hour into sunday, around 1:00 am. a little later we woke and went to church. i have been blessed to be able to sit with my wife after long weeks of not being able to study with her. i have missed that. i have been either getting things ready for the service in the a/v room, or teaching, or something has just kept me from being in class. the whole month of november has been an "off" month for me. however, this sunday i will be covering for josh, and i will be in the a/v room handling the sound. heather has done an amazing job on running the media shout shows! she came in cold, after missing the training class, and has filled in admirably.

one of our elders has been leading a study of max lucado's book 'come thirsty,' and it has been a well needed and well attended class. jerre has been doing a great job leading this class. after services we met at the home of the life group leader that my life group multiplied from. the groups combined for one last meeting of this season, and had lunch together before we studied bruce's sermon from earlier that day.

following the study we went home and spent the rest of the day just relaxing and spending time together. that was good.

note: not mentioned in this post yet is that i have been suffering from pain in some of my teeth. if you have ever suffered from pain in the mouth you know what i mean. it was bad enough to be awakened from sleep, not to mention while sleeping in a different bed on friday night, but i was not able to get to sleep until 3:30 am. i took some tylenol pm, and surfed the web until the medication kicked in at 3:30.

on monday i was able to get in and see the dentist, and it was thought that the trouble was originating from a tooth that had a deep filling put in, and if the problem persisted, that tooth would require a root canal. happy, happy, joy, joy. now it is wednesday and i think that the problem is with the tooth in front of the suspect tooth, but i can not get in to see the dentist again until after the holiday season. argh! so i have to rely on popping pills (prescribed pills, mind you), and avoiding the cold and hot stuff on that side of the mouth, and all. not fun.

i hope to not take so long in posting in future, but keep coming back, if you don't mind, and keep the comments coming, as well.


Bar L. said...

Tell your daughter I said congrats! That's a big acheivement.

I'm sorry about your teeth - that has to be the second worse type of pain there is (you know the first, if you don't ask your wife how she felt in labor).

Careful with those pills....even if perscribed. If it's Vicodin, be aware that it's the #1 prescribed med that people (regular folks like us) get addicted to.

Sorry, just had to say that since two close friends of mine went down that road.

Tommy said...

glad to have you back. I know all about the teeth, been there done that.

Anonymous said...

Sinus problem sometimes causes mouth pain for me and it has woke me up many a nights from the pain. Visit the teething days and use oragel or something simular to deaden the pain.

JD said...

The dentist and the devil are cousins in my book ... but what choice do we have? Terrible pain! Sorry to hear that...but enjoyed reading about your journey.