Sunday, November 13, 2005

ever have this happen to you

i have been the martha of this verse, and the mary. it is so fun to be the mary. isn't it?

Fellowship With Jesus
Luke 10:40-42

It never stops, the vicious cycle of doing things. Running errands, cleaning the house, picking up the kids, putting in extra time on your project at work, studying for another big test. You just keep going and going with no end in sight.

It can even become a pattern in your church life. Helping with prayer meeting, keeping the nursery, teaching Sunday school, visiting the shut-ins, calling last week's visitors. It goes on and on and on until you're spending all this time working for the Lord but you're not spending time on what He desires from you most: your fellowship.

John wanted to share the good news of Christ so others would come to know Him and fellowship with Him (I John 1:3, 6). He knew what the most needful thing in his life was.

We need to remember that as well. Mary knew it was better to sit at the feet of Jesus, loving Him and sharing with Him, rather than preparing a five-course dinner like Martha.

To know Him more intimately, we must spend time with Him. Out of this closer relationship, our love for Him grows and we desire to serve Him more.

When Jesus becomes our sole focus, nothing can shake us. If we make fellowship with Him a priority, He will make Himself known to us like we've never known Him before.

i've personally been having trouble with that second paragraph. i've had the luxury for the past two sundays to sit in worship with my wife. we haven't done that in a long, long time. it was so great to be able to worship with her again, i just can't explain it.

don't be like me. get out of that sound booth, get out of the nursery, ... those things will get taken care of. i guarentee it! people will start complaining ... like that stopped happening while you still doing that stuff, but it'll get taken care of. enjoy the fellowhip that God so deeply wants! and then after that big drink of fellowship then start helping again.

remember that Jesus, too, took time off to be with God. Jesus is the best example we have. shouldn't we follow his lead?


Danny Sims said...

Good post. No, I'll say great post. Thanks.

Shoot me your e-mail... you win the prize!

And is there a time limit on "You've been tagged"?

k2 said...

thanks danny. i neglected to mention that this was not my own deductions. it is from an e-mail that i got from a VERY GOOD friend that gets e-mails from the in touch e-mail service from charles stanley.

Bar L. said...

My problems start when I am not Martha or Mary. Good post. Thanks