Saturday, July 09, 2005

the Trinity in Genesis

during my studying and listening to sermons and classes i have heard this about how the Trininty of God was presented in the first three verses of the bible. am i the only one that just caught this? have you noticed this, too?
this is what i noticed in verse 1, it was God who did all of this. it was because He wanted it to be. He is presented in verse 1.

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

in verse 2 the Spirit of God, also known as the Holy Spirit, is introduced as moving over the surface of the waters. we all know from teachings and from the definition of a spirit that they are without form. that is, they are not of a solid shape. notice that the earth was described in the same way, formless and void. that description could also be used in describing a spirit, ya' know? in one of the classes i have sat in on about the Holy Spirit i learned this about the Holy Spirit; in the Greek, i believe, the Spirit is known as "pneuma". have you ever heard of that used at the beginning of any words used today? pneumatic: driven by air. pneumonia: a lung disease. the list goes on. the Holy Spirit is all around us. He is like the air. we breath Him into us constantly, just as God is with us constantly.

2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.

if a book in the new testament were to used as the first book of the bible, what book would you choose? i would pick john. why do you think i would choose that book? how does it start? 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. Jesus has been described as being the Word. Words are spoken. notice how God brought about the Light. it was spoken.

3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

these thoughts are not monumental, but i find them really neat, and even cool how God, and the Trinity, are represented even "in the beginning" of the bible.

cool, huh?


CL said...

good stuff my brother, be safe during dennis.

JD said...

Three...yet One...yet Three.

enough to ponder for a lifetime, eh?

k2 said...

yeah, about the best comparison to describe the Trinity in earthly terms was in a sermon that the preacher compared the Trinity to a sports team. by that, he said that sports teams are sometimes said to be playing "as one", like the way the Trinity is described as "being One".

i thought that was about as close to the understanding of the Trinity and its Oneness that my pea in my head could comprehend.

what do you think of that comparison? does that sound like anything you have heard?

Soren said...


Another thing in Genesis 1 is in v. 26 when God (the Father) said, "Let us make man in our image." The "us" and the "our" is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. He wasn't talking to the angels, but to the other members of the Godhead.

I have often used the illustration of water, ice, & steam to try to explain the Godhead. They are three different froms, but they are the same "stuff" (H20).

k2 said...

also i found that the greek word that is used in genesis to represent the Godhead, Trinity, is the same word used to describe how man and woman become "one" when they are married. is that cool or what!

soren, i like that comment you used to compare water and trinity. they are all the same, but are found in different forms, but all the same "stuff".

thanks for the comments!