Sunday, July 10, 2005

dennis the menace

this is just to let anyone who may be concerned with cl, jd, or myself. we are all outa there! we three have splintered and gone three different ways.

cl went to tampa. i guess he wanted to feel the affects quicker than the rest of us.

jd went to the mississippi delta. isn't a delta where water likes to go, ie., flooding?

me and my family are in n.a. this morning. we got to the great metroplex of the ft payne, rainsville metropolis that it is on saturday morning early. we headed out friday night and got to my parents' place near 3:30 a.m.

please keep our families and the fellow gulf coast people in your prayers. dennis is supposed to be worse than ivan. just what someone living in pensacola wants to hear.


alabamapenguin said...

no u r the menace dad not the hurricane. ha ha ha ha ha ha.(evil laugh) well i will go now because i need to get ready for church.


Tommy said...

hope everybody and everything of yours is ok. Weather channel is saying it wasn't as bad as Ivan so hopefully that's true. Looks like we are going to get a lot of rain out of it in Western KY. We are having a drought so we won't complain.

JD said...

thanks for the mention, Kenny. I hope all went well with you ... we are home and safe. I laughed about splitting into three different directions. When Chris told me he was in Tampa, I was temporarily in shock. lolol

k2 said...


we got back yesterday, and we drove through brewton, and bay minette and they had a lot of power lines down, but little structural damage from what i saw from hwy 31. we were on i-65 coming home but the amount of stop and goes far out weighed the ability to drive at an even 60 - 65 on hwy 31.


i thought chris was a nut for going that way too. we did not even get any downed limbs on our place. i guess there was a lot of rain, but that's it. well, i suppose there was some wind too.