Thursday, July 28, 2005

like a cow on the farm...

i've been tagged. so, i will tell you about getting the autographs of big daddy weave last night after church. but in the meantime, here goes...

book tag

1. how many books have i owned?

i would have to say maybe 7 at the most. most of the books in my house are owned/bought by my wife, so i don't "own" many books of my own. don't get me wrong, i do like to read, but i read rather slowly. i also like to stick to a few authors. however, i do take suggestions from friends.

2. what was the last book you bought?

it was actually "come thirsty" by max lucado, and "in the grip of grace" by max lucado was free with the purchase of "come thirsty." (i still need to read "come thirsty")

3. what was the last book you read?

"a church that flies" by tim woodruff

4. what are FIVE books that have meant a lot to you?

"the case for Christ" by lee strobel
"in the grip of grace" by max lucado
"hunt for red october" by tom clancy
"distant voices" by c. leonard allen
"romans" by paul
"luke" by dr. luke

these folks are officially "it"

greg morris
mike "soren" kjergaard
all the others i can think of have been tagged by someone else. i know i am a slacker.


alabamapenguin said...

tagged eh. well, i'm glad fer ya. i hope u didn't tag me.


Greg Morris said...

Hmmmm… looks like I’ve been ‘tagged’. When I began blogging I had no idea his sort of thing could happen. If I’d known I would have been more careful… you know, I wouldn’t have strayed quite so far from base. Oh well – now that I’ve been tagged (and yes I am a ‘first-timer’ at this tagging thing) I guess I should respond and tag someone else. Well… here goes…

book tag

1. how many books have i owned?

How many books have I owned? WOW – well, that’d be in the thousands… yes, I’m a SERIOUS book ‘junkie. I can’t go into a bookstore without buying something. I’m not sure how many I currently own, I guess it’d be several hundred. My wife and I just finished adding a whole wall of new book cases in order to better accomodate my habit, I mean book collection.

2. what was the last book you bought?

The Jesus Proposal by Rubel Shelly and John York

3. what was the last book you read?

The Jesus Proposal by Rubel Shelly and John York

4. what are FIVE books that have meant a lot to you?

There are so many on this list. I hate to reduce my list of ‘meaningful books’ to five but here are five that I would highly recommend. They were all meant a great deal to me. If there was one book that changed my life like no other it is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Well, here’s the list:
(1) Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
(2) Desiring God by John Piper
(3) The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God by Dallas Willard
(4) Knowing God by J.I. Packer
(5) The Jesus Proposal by Rubel Shelly and John York

these folks are officially "it"

It looks like lots of people have already been tagged. So I tag:
(a) Penguin Kristin (sorry, I realize I don’t know you but I saw you on Kenny’s blog and looks like you haven’t been tagged… plus I’m sure you like lots of books)
(b) Matt Elliot (always curious which books have been important to others)