Tuesday, October 25, 2005

more imitation

i got these from danny's blog. this is your mission if you choose to accept it. ok, this is what i would do. copy the questions and delete what is not your answer in the comments section, or type out your answers in the comments section. make sense? good!

Choose your favorite of the ones I’ve listed or name another person for the category...

1. Author: David McCullough, Danielle Steel, or Stephen King
2. Director: Alfred Hitchcock, Stephen Spielberg, or Francis Ford Coppolla
3. Quarterback: Roger Staubauch, Tom Brady, or Terry Bradshaw
4. First Lady: Eleanor Roosevelt, Hilary Clinton, or Laura Bush
5. TV Pitchman: Ron Popeil, John Cameron Swayze, or Orville Redenbacher
6. Funny Character: Napoleon, Kip, or Uncle Rico
7. Comedian: Jerry Seinfeld, Jonathan Winters, or Chris Rock
8. Track star: Roger Bannister, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, or Carl Lewis
9. Kid’s TV show host: Captain Kangaroo, Mister Rodgers, or Bozo

choose one of three

1. If you had to have one: Bad sunburn, huge fever blister, or a pulled muscle?
2. Best beverage: Iced tea, hot chocolate, or coke float?
3. Fun pet: Kitten, puppy, or bunny?
4. Which ride: Roller coaster, carousel, or Ferris Wheel?
5. Best for worship: Classic hymn, praise song, or Gregorian chant?
6. Favorite sound: Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, or banjo?
7. Footgear: Sandals, tennis shoes, or barefoot?
8. Best drive: Major highway, back road, or off road?
9. Vacation: African safari, European city, or South American jungle?
10. Spend a day with: Apostle Paul, Moses, or Elijah?

Choose one or more

1 Look up a number in the phone book or internet?
2 From an old friend you haven't heard from in years, get a letter or get a phone call?
3 Pancakes or waffles?
4 Watch a horse race or go horseback riding?
5 A week of no TV or a week of no music?
6 Hot oatmeal or cold cereal?
7 Find a $100 bill or get a free hour-long massage?
8 Sweater or light jacket?
9 Fall or winter?
10 Spring or summer?

1 comment:

Tommy said...

1. Author: John Grisham

2. Director: Stephen Spielberg,

3. Quarterback: Tom Brady

4. First Lady: Laura Bush

5. TV Pitchman:Orville Redenbacher

6. Funny Character: ?
7. Comedian: Jerry Seinfeld,

8. Track star: Carl Lewis

9. Kid’s TV show host: Captain Kangaroo

choose one of three

1. If you had to have one: pulled muscle?

2. Best beverage: Iced tea,

3. Fun pet: puppy,

4. Which ride: Roller coaster,

5. Best for worship: praise song

6. Favorite sound: acoustic guitar

7. Footgear: Sandals,

8. Best drive: off road?

9. Vacation: African safari,

10. Spend a day with: Apostle Paul

Choose one or more

1 Look up a number in the phone book or internet? internet

2 From an old friend you haven't heard from in years, get a letter or get a phone call? phone call

3 Pancakes or waffles? pancakes

4 Watch a horse race or go horseback riding? horse race

5 A week of no TV or a week of no music? no music

6 Hot oatmeal or cold cereal? cereal

7 Find a $100 bill or get a free hour-long massage? $100, I can get an hour massage for 50

8 Sweater or light jacket? sweater

9 Fall or winter? fall

10 Spring or summer? spring