Tuesday, October 11, 2005

i'm so confused

i'm watching the news this morning, something i should stop doing, and comments were made that make the president is out to reshape lousiana's political structure. that is, he is trying to get "the black population" out of lousiana, because they vote democratic, usually. well, if the president is as crazy as they say, then why would he be taking them to "his state" of texas, that to me is not what someone who is politically driven would do. i mean, why would you want to bring in more democrats to vote against the republicans that you have already established in "your state"?

i just have to laugh. it cracks me up.

jessie jackson wanted to bring in some bus loads of people to new orleans that the mayor says is ready for repopulation. however, jessie had about 600 people, but the mayor said he could only accomodate about 200. now what kind of message does this send? the mayor says that the city is ready for repopulation, and then he says that there is not enough room for people who want to come in?

who is wrong here? is anybody wrong? is it only perception? why do we do this?


Tommy said...

I haven't heard the first part, although it is amusing. I did hear that it could make a difference. I heard enough left N.O. that it could swing from Dem to Rep. Even if all those went to Texas, it wouldn't be enough to swing it from Rep to Dem. That's what I heard, but I hadn't heard it was W's fault.

The Jesse/ Mayor thing sounds like something Jesse would be involved in.

alabamapenguin said...

i don't know why people do that. all they need to do is look at the facts and they will get it right, right. well I hope they can get more people in there not just ot help but to repopulate new orleans. well I got to go.

luv ya,

J Gregory said...

first i am surprised that Lousyana was populated at all, being home of the swamp thang. second, i am surprised that they would want to re-populate it! i think we will see some bargain basement prices on land in the 9th ward and eastern New Orleans. but that may be about as sound of an investment as ocean front property in Arizona.