Saturday, July 08, 2006

what's been on my mind

wow, its almost been a month since my last post.

i have been thinking lately of how i wish i had known that ken young had scheduled the stream in franklin event for the weekend of the 2nd of july. i would've been there with my family if i had known.

see, i used to live in texas and for about 7 of the past 10 or so streams in the desert events in midland, texas, i had been there, and enjoyed the fellowship, singing, sharing, and the lessons form great men of God like rick atchley, jeff walling, lynn anderson, and the like.

if you have not ever attended stream in the desert, you have missed something great, and you would not have forgotten it.

this would be how the day would be at a stream event:

wake up, and head to the stadium for breakfast.
sing great praise songs with hallal and ken young for awhile, hear an awesome lesson, go to share groups filled with those like yourself just coming to see what they have heard about and what the church of Christ could be like every week, and then go to lunch and share still with your lunchmates.
come back for the afternoon session of singing, hear the speaker, go to share groups, and then go to dinner.
then the option is to either study with your friends that you came to the event with about the events of the day, or attend the evening event. the evening events were usually a concert of a singing group, or a comedian.
then go to bed and repeat the next day.

some say it is a couple days of church, but for me it was spending time with friends and praising, and praying. i really like it.

this was the first year of the event in franklin, and i sure hope that i hear about the next one. y'all want to go?

1 comment:

Travis Crow said...

My wife and I have been to Stream in Midland several times - Walling, Atchley, to name two that you mentioned. We would love to go again, even to Franklin.