Saturday, March 25, 2006

i miss my friends!

i'm sitting here in the church office after preparing the media shout presentation, and while my wife and daughter, and some of the other ladies prepare for 2nd annual "Sale To Save" yard sale, i am thinking about all my friends we left in texas.

its been going on two years since i moved my family to l.a. the move had so many good things going for it, though: i got a raise, kristin got a new chance to meet new friends at a new high school, we got to live closer to family relatives. i can't think of anything else right now, but i'm sure there are some other good things about this move.

however, the move ripped the close relationships that dorothy and i had created, with the grace of God, apart. i can't drive down the road 5 minutes to see greg, or ryan. i don't get to play basketball on monday nights with earl, chris, and my great hawaiian friend (some friend if i can't even remember his name, huh?). dorothy doesn't get to see her best friend deedee anymore.

i miss giving them big hugs, and worshipping with them, and studying with them.

i traded a 45 minute drive to work, and a five minute drive to church for just the opposite. please pray that i will be comforted. i'm sure that i will be alright later.

pray that i can build similar relationships here at port city, but i need some of those relationships to be right down the road. e-mails and blogs are just not the same.


Tommy said...

Man, that's tough stuff. Hopefully you can find some good buds that are close to you.

Donna G said...

It is hard to start over making friends, but there are probably some people who really NEED YOU in their just have to find them.

Heather said...

I am new to your blog. I have read your comments on Danny Sims' blog.

God will bring you and your family close friends again. Just be open when the time comes. I have been in your shoes. I now have very close friends. I am so thankful for this! For a long time though, I was closed off to getting really close to anyone because I wanted my old friends back.
I am praying for you and your family. Things will work out. Remember, there is a reason for everything.

JD said...

Appreciate you sharing your heart, Ken. I'm glad we are friends.

k2 said...

tommy: its a day to day thing. like i mentioned, it is just hard when you don't have buds right down the street. that's part my fault, but i really liked having my best friends at church with me.

donna: see ... you got me. i need to think of others, too, and stop sulking and whining. i'm sure i need them, too, but i just miss my good friends from texas.

heather: thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the encouraging words. it means a lot, especially from someone from dfw, LOL!!!

jd: you are such an inspiration to me! i'm also jealous that you got to go to tulsa, and i didn't! it sounded like a blast!

all: thanks for all the nice comments. it means a lot, really.

CL said...

I am also thankful that I have a friend like you. If I didn't who would I go to Los Arcos with!