Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i can't think of an appropriate title

this post is of no real concept, or idea. it will be about things that are bouncing around in my noggin, and why i do some of the things i do (not all of them).

can i first make a blanket statement (let me know if this doesn't really apply to what a blanket statement should be). i am so, so selfish. just ask my family. i do things, and most of the time, i don't even consider what the affects may have on my family. any of you like that? i wake up, and i sure hope there is hot water for my shower, or you are going to hear about it if you are in earshot. i sure hope that my clothes are clean, and preferrably in the closet or the dresser, too. now don't get me wrong. i'm not a tyrant, and i don't take it out on people, and i don't carry a whip or beat anybody up or anything. now i am not going to leave, and go off and live by myself, and i'm not going to divorce my family. i'm sure i'm not the only one that has things like this happen in their lives. i'm really not that bad, but i do need to soften my feelings and actions and words and thoughts to what the new name of this blog is all about.

what do you use the internet for? i use it to check on communication with friends and family with e-mail. i also like to read what others are doing through their blogs. i linked to
another blog after reading about it in another blog that i read while using my subscriptions on google reader. this blog that i linked to made me think of why i blog, and why i read blogs. one of the interesting points he makes is about community. can you think of the first community that is written about in the bible? its not adam and eve, or the animals. can you guess? i also use it to get directions to places and find out where things are located. i have started using google local more and more. have you noticed a theme on what services i use, and who provides it?

community was spoken of in the sermon i heard this weekend while visiting with my good friends in birmingham, while on our way home after attending the funeral of my last living uncle over the weekend.
dub recently joined the ministry at cross bridge after a seperation from the congregation he was with. i will not talk bad about the congregation from where he left, because they are still my brothers and sisters, and dub still loves them, too. community was first written of in the trinity when God said "let us ..." i don't know about you, but i have a hard time being by myself. i don't work very well by myself. i much rather work with someone as part of a team. don't you?

can you remember when was the first time that God said something wasn't good about his creation? it goes to the point of what God thinks, in my opinion, about community. remember when He said that it was not good for man to be alone? see what i'm talking about?

see what i mean when i said "i can't think of an appropriate title"?

my daughter has gotten me thinking of doing
sudoku puzzles. do any of you out there do those, too? they are pretty hard, and frustrating, but addictive, too. the 6 number ones are much easier than the 9 numbered ones.

this past week has been a pretty hard one for my father's side of the family. his last living brother went to live with their parents and the rest of his siblings, except for a sister that is still living, in heaven. i made a comment on one of the blogs that i read, that her family has gained 3 precious ones, as my family has let one go back to live with God and the rest of the family. congratulations donna!

a great thing was witnessed by me and the rest of the ones at the funeral on saturday. my cousins asked all of milford's grandkids if they would be the pall bearers of their father. this may not sound very significant to you, but it was to carla, and fran! they are the two granddaughters of milford. when they were asked they both just broke down in tears for the honor. see ... in the mountains of alabama a lot of things have not changed, and to see that two young ladies were asked to do what is normally reserved for men ... well that is significant to me. they were so honored and excited and humbled to be asked. it is something they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

also, a great comment that really meant a lot to one of the grandkids was when ronald, the oldest son, told jacob, "thanks for carrying my daddy." (tears are forming as i type this) that was just so cool.


Donna G said...

I love to go to Crossbridge every chance I get.

I too can be quite selfish and extremely self centered.

believingthomas said...

that's a great story