Wednesday, June 29, 2005


how do you take it; sweet, nonsweet, or not at all?

my vote is for not at all.

let's here from the masses out there. how do you take your tea?

if you're like me, what do you drink in its place? i go for dr pepper.


CL said...

Sweet of course

JD said...

Sweet ... as Mark Lowry says ... You put sugar in the tea not the cornbread. Cornbread with sugar is cake. You boil the vegetables. Some say that this takes all the vitamins out of them. Have you ever bitten down on a vitamin? It tastes nasty. Boil the vegetables, take a pill, put the sugar in the tea. And if you run out of syrup for your pancakes in the morning, you ought to be able to use the tea. Why do I remember these things?

Tommy said...

Unsweet and preferably de-caffenated. Water is still my fave though.