Tuesday, June 28, 2005

have you ever tried to do something all day, but it just kept laughing at you?

well, i have spent the last couple of hours trying to update my "about me" section here. i have cropped a pic that i want to use, but i can't find where i need to add it so that it shows up on the blog. can anybody give me a hand here? i have gotten far enough to have my pic show on my profile thanks to jd, a friend from mississippi. thanks jd! i guess i still need some advice.

i am sitting here enjoying the braves game. who would've thought a 46 yearold guy could still contribute the way julio is for the braves? a grand slam pinch hit homerun last night, and a triple tonight. awesome.

i got the great opportunity to watch the braves beat the rangers in arlington while i was there recently to be with my wife as she attended a funeral of a former co-worker. we used to live there in arlington, and i got to throw peanuts to customers when i worked there at the ballpark in arlington the season that the rangers hosted the allstar game. that was a cool season.

we sure do miss all our "family" there in arlington, but we are here now in l.a., and are getting to know our other family members.

ok, you're really from the south if you can answer this question. what is "kudzu", and what does it do, and what was done to get rid of it? that should keep you busy. i'll be checkin' back to see if you have figured it out.


k2 said...

if you just read the title of this blog entry you are probably laughing and wondering what this idiot was trying to say when he said he could not get his mug on his blog.

well, it showed up after i posted this blog entry.

i'm glad i was able to help you get a laugh today. have a great day.

JD said...

You done good, Kenny!

Tommy said...

Kudzu is a very viney, fast spreading, and nusciance (sp?) weed. It also is now a host for Asian Soybean Rust. ASR is a bad disease that is now threatening soybeans in the USA. To kill it I would say the chemical crossbow might do ok, but probably burning it or cutting it out would do best. I live in West KY and we have a little kudzu also.

k2 said...

tommy, i commend you on reading all the way through the post. also, you have answered well.

the kudzu is taking over a lot the southeast and is harmful to a lot of the other foliage. it robs them of needed sunlight. to get rid of it you basically need to rip it out and burn it.

i had once heard while i lived in texas that the nutria, a rodent found in the southeast like the kudzu, was brought to the u.s. to help lessen the kudzu epidemic. i have found out that this is not true, but it was a cool urban legand.

thanks for the comment.

JD said...

We should learn to eat kudzu. Americans love to eat. Batter it and fry it. Even shoelaces are good that way.

I also heard that there was a nutria that woke up in a park with a backache, come to find out his kidney had been removed the night before. He called the cops, but a needle stuck his hand on the dialer, and in the return coin slot he found a note informing him he had just been infected with AIDS. So he drove himself to the hospital, and saw a car with no lights on. He flashed his lights at them. It was a gang of out-of-control nutria. They turned around and caught him and killed him. But then I heard that this was all an urban legend. Who knew?

k2 said...

LOL! LOL!! jd, that was hilarious!!

when i was watching turner south the other night they had a lady that deep fried the leaf and put parmesgian cheese on it for flavor. go figure.