Wednesday, September 06, 2006

i never thought it would get this far

i never thought that i would get over 5,000 hits/visits to this blog. does anybody remember what my first post was about, and what the name of my blog was then? well, here's a hint.

why did i change the name? i thought that the new name was cool and i had heard it in a sermon, and i thought it really worked for what i was trying to share.

God is love. i'm sure you have heard that. who will win in the end? God. so the name of my blog is a reaffirmation of what is going to being the end result. GOD WINS!

i have also shared some weird times, and hard times. there have been some really rough times. katrina comes to mind. heard of her? she really made a name for herself, huh?

thanks for stopping by. leave a comment if you don't mind.


Donna G said...

Glad to be one of 5,000....

k2 said...

how things change. the blog's original name "fixin' to" which i thought was appropriate since i use the term so often. my user name that i went by was "krazy kenny" and i have since changed both of them to "love wins!" and "k2" respectively.

i am glad that you came by to visit donna.