when i was growing up ...
... i used to ride my bike everywhere! i mean, to school, to the pool, to baseball, and soccer practice, to my friend's house and then go riding around the neighborhood or riding trails in the woods. i have a bike now, but its tires are rotting from lack of use.
... i used to go bowling, i forgot to add that in the previous list, on saturday mornings. i bowled in a league growing up, and then when i joined the navy. my ball, shoes, and bag were stolen when i transferred back from japan to the u. s. of a. almost 15 years ago. a friend of mine who owns a bowling alley (some may know who he is) has bought me a new ball, and has ordered me new shoes and bag ... as a gift. he said he is doing it because he likes to help when people enjoy doing things, but can't. after the ball had been drilled, and fitted, i was practicing with it, and 4 out of the next 9 balls were strikes. they were also in succession. too bad they were not all in the same game. my daughter and her friends were playing pool, and left their games on the lanes so i finished them.
... i used to go to the pool all summer long. i would get a pool pass to the base pool. i don't think i ever used sun screen. now i don't leave home without it. i even swim in a t-shirt now.
what are some things you did while growing up? these are just a few things that i did.